Introducing you our teacher’s evaluation system. 1

Hi everyone,


My name is Olfa, I work at Ecom as a French Teacher as well as a member of the HR Team. So many great people I could meet thanks to this position! And maybe the next person I’ll have the chance to meet would be you? 🙂

Today I would like to briefly introduce you our school’s evaluation system called “Voice of the students”.

Voice of the students“is an evaluation system we hold 4 times a year (February, May, August and November) to pay more attention to our students needs, expectations and impressions and give them a chance to share their thoughts in a concrete way.

“Voice of the students” is also an opportunity for the teachers to improve the quality of their teaching though regular feedback and also to increase their hourly wage if their score is high enough. Indeed at Ecom, every three months you get a chance your pay-rate increases according to your evaluation’s score.

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Along with their score, we also send our teacher the details of their evaluation according to 5 points, which are:

1. Student’s opportunities to speak / mistakes being corrected

2. Teacher’s attitude (Lateness and missed classes, manner of dress, enthusiasm etc.)

3. Student’s motivation and enjoyment during lessons

4. Students thoughts on their progress

5. Student’s willingness to recommend you to their family and friends


When we send the details of the scores to the teachers privately (eg: the illust. here above), we share student’s written comments on our website’s English community, so our Teachers can share and discuss about that.  “Negative” comments are of course kept anonymous for teachers and students. 🙂

So, would you be able to take up the challenge? I hope this topic could catch your attention!

May you have a great day ahead of you,



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